Electrical Panel Upgrade​

Electrical Panel Upgrade Service

Outdated and potentially unsafe, electrical panels can cause more problems than you can imagine. It’s not just about getting lights on in your home – an old and neglected electrical panel could lead to fires, leaving people and property in danger. That’s why it’s important to upgrade your electrical panel as part of a proactive maintenance plan. A new electrical system will not only bring life back into your home, but could also save you money in the long run with fewer repairs – plus peace of mind knowing that your home is safe. Investing in a new electrical panel isn’t always the top priority when it comes to planning home improvements, but it should be! Taking control of your electricity today is one of the most cost-effective ways to ensure safety for years to come.

Electrical Panel Upgrades Explained

Electrical panels are the brains behind your home. Whether you call it a load center, main switch, breaker panel or distribution board, they all have the same job – to regulate the electricity needed for your appliances and lights. An outdated electric system can lead to more than just a buzzing sound or blown out – it could put your family in danger from fires or electrical shocks. Investing in a new panel is an important part of proactive maintenance. Not only will it make sure everything runs at peak performance – and save you money on repairs down the road – but also ensure everyone’s safety before summer arrives!

Why Get an Electrical Panel Upgrade?

When buying a house it’s often assumed that the electrical panels will last a lifetime, but there’s always the chance of problems arising. It pays to be on the lookout for any potential issues when it comes to your home’s electricity.

  • Connections can become weaker with time.
  • Performance could be impacted by heavy use.
  • Rust and dampness can corrupt the boards
  • Dust buildup can lead to problems.
  • And more…

While you may not be able to avoid some of the problems listed above, if you notice certain issues in your property, it’s probably time to start thinking about an upgrade. Especially if you experiece any of the below:

Shocks – Electrical shocks, tingles, or leakage when you touch a switch or outlet could be indicative of faulty wiring or improper connections, so it’s important to get it checked out for safety reasons.

Sparks or Odors – Unusual sparks or burning odors could be signals of faulty wiring or a broken circuit, and warm or discolored outlets are also cause for concern. In any of these cases, it’s best to seek professional guidance from an electrician.

Dimmed Lights – Dimmed lights when using other appliances could suggest that your electrical system isn’t able to keep up with the demand. This overload can cause electricity from other components of the home to be redirected to power the appliance, so it’s important to address this issue as soon as possible.

Tripping – Circuit breakers that frequently trip could be a sign that they are overloaded or out of date. In older panels, you may also hear crackling noises which can indicate the need for an electrical panel update. It’s best to address these issues quickly in order to avoid any potential harm.

Multiple Extension Cords or Power Strips – Using too many power strips and extension cords can be a symptom of an inadequately supplied electricity system. As a precaution, you should consider installing additional circuits and outlets throughout your property by upgrading your panel which will help reduce the fire risks associated with having too many power strips and extension cords.

Old Electrical Panel – When a panel is 25-40 years old, it has reached the end of its life. To help ensure safety and energy efficiency, it’s time for an electrical panel upgrade.

An electrical panel upgrade can make all kinds of previously impossible home improvement projects possible. With the right upgrades, you will have the power to install new technology, appliances, and other devices like hot tubs and EV car chargers that require more electricity than an old panel can support.

Upgrading Your Electrical Panel - The Benefits

Homes built before 2000 often have electrical panels operating at a lower current (60-100 amps) than modern homes, which require a higher current to meet the energy demands of newer appliances. If you want your home to be up-to-date with the latest technology, it’s time to consider replacing your old panel with one that can support 200 ampere breakers—the most common today.

Not only is an electrical panel upgrade essential to keep your home current with new technology, but it is also essential for the safety of you and your family. A broken panel can cause fires or other serious issues, making it important to update or maintain your older panels in order to reduce the risk of potential electrical hazards.

Upgrading your electrical panel offers numerous benefits. With a more efficient system, you can save money on power bills and have peace of mind that your home is not in danger from an electronic fire. You will also be able to use new appliances, or even just have constant access to power if you’re not installing any major appliances. Overall, upgrading your home’s electrical panel helps protect yourself and your family while also providing practical financial gains.

Also, a new electrical panel, among other benefits, improves the value of your home when selling it. It allows you to add more appliances and better protects expensive electronic equipment. Instead of leaving this burden on the new homeowner, hence the added value to your home.

Our Electrical Panel Upgrade Process

Upgrading your electrical panel may seem intimidating, but it doesn’t have to be. Our qualified technicians can help guide you through the entire process – here’s a general overview of what to expect:

  1. Inspection: First we’ll inspect your current panel and make sure it meets local building codes and safety standards.
  2. Planning: Next, we’ll plan out the details of the upgrade, ensuring that all cables are properly routed for efficient power distribution.
  3. Installation: Once the implementation plan is finalized, we’ll install your new electrical panel and replace any necessary components.
  4. Testing: Finally, our technicians will perform rigorous testing on the new system to ensure everything is working correctly and safely before signing off on the job.

200 AMP Electrical Panel Upgrade Cost?

Upgrading to a 200 amp panel is an important investment for your home’s electrical system. The cost of the upgrade will depend on several factors, such as the size and type (underground or overhead) and the number of floors in your property, how much extra electrical installation is needed, among other things. To make sure you choose the best option for your needs, it’s best to discuss these matters directly with one of our qualified team members who can help you determine what kind of upgrade might work best for you.

The best solution is to get a free quote from us – no strings attached! We’ll match the best panel for your home’s needs with the power demand you require, so you can feel confident that you’re getting the right upgrade at the right price.

Why Your Electricians Team?

If you’re looking for an electrical panel upgrade, we can help. With 20 years of experience and specialized knowledge, our team can quickly and efficiently get your residential or commercial electric system up-to-date. What’s more, all of our services are provided by qualified professionals for regular work or even electrical emergencies, so you can trust that your job will be done right. Call us today if you’d like to learn more about how we can provide this service for you.

Looking for reliable electrical services? Look no further! We provide quality electrical services all over Colorado.
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